The most important points about Malinois dog food

What is Malinois dog foodThe answer to this question is not difficult, but first of all, we must know that Malinois or Belgian Malinois is a herding dog breed that was bred in Belgium to guard and care for livestock. These smart dogs are very energetic, diligent, and active, and they always take care of their owner’s property. The food program of the Malinois dog, which is considered to be among the medium to a large group, and is constantly lively and active, should provide the required amount of energy and essential nutrients.

Don’t worry, we know this way and in this article, we want to see what the Malinois dog food is, what ingredients its diet should include and what supplements it might need.

Nutritional needs of Malinois dogs

According to the doglime website, this breed, like all other dogs, must have a complete and balanced diet consisting of the following ingredients, which we will discuss each of these items and their required percentages below.


Protein is one of the most important nutrients in the diet because it is necessary for tissue repair and muscle strengthening. The most suitable sources of protein for dogs include meat and eggs. Belgian Malinois dog food should have 23-25 % protein.


Fat is the main source of energy for dogs and is beneficial for the health of their skin and hair and makes their hair shiny. Of course, too much fat is harmful. The right amount of fat in Malinois dog food is 8 to 10 percent.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals are necessary for every animal. In addition to their main functions, these substances also help to strengthen the body’s immune system and maintain the health of the skin and hair.


If the Malinois dog’s diet is appropriate and balanced, it usually does not need supplements. It is just possible that vitamin A supplement is necessary to prevent eye problems. Sometimes it may be necessary to give digestive enzymes to the animal, of course with the prescription of a veterinarian.

There are some other supplements that are useful for health and can be used (it is better to consult with a veterinarian ), such as:

  • Glucosamine
  • Probiotics
  • Antioxidants
  • Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids

Fruit for Belgian Malinois

The best food for Malinois dogs

If you have just adopted an animal, you must use the same diet that it is used to for a while, because a sudden change in diet causes many problems for dogs and they may not even eat the new food at all. It usually takes about a week to a month for the animal to get used to its new food. If you are not familiar with the topic of feeding dogs and want to know what food is useful for your dog at any age and in any period, it is better to see this article: What is dog food.

Dry dog ​​food is the best option for Belgian Malinois. You should use high quality commercial foods for large breeds. The first item in the list of food ingredients should be animal proteins (meat) and should not contain preservatives or so-called meat junk.

Commercial foods for large breeds have less fat and less density, and the ratio of protein to calcium is suitable for the size of the animal. Malinois are genetically prone to dysplasia and other abnormalities related to growth, and the ratio of protein to calcium in their food is very important. If you want to give blood food to an animal, you must be very careful that all the necessary ingredients reach its body.

Amount and food schedule of Malinois dogs

Growing puppies should have at least 4 small meals a day. Later, when he grows up, we reduce the number of meals to 3, and when he grows up, we increase the number to 2 meals a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. There are incentives and it works as a snack.

A simple way to estimate the amount of food for a Malinois dog is to use the RER method: raise the animal’s weight to the power of three quarters (or 75 hundredths) and then multiply by 70.

For example, if his weight is 11 kilos, 11 to the power of 0.75 is about 6.04, and multiplied by 70 is approximately 420 calories per day.

But many other factors also affect the amount of food required for an animal, for example, if your dog’s activity is less than normal, it should eat less, otherwise, it will become overweight and obese. So you should always pay attention to his body so that he is neither fat nor too thin.

Malinois dry dog ​​food

Malinois puppy food

The importance of puppy food is much greater because of its effect on growth and health at an older age. According to what pupvine said, Malinois puppy food varies from week to week and is as follows:

Two weeks old puppy, milk only

At this age, puppies only feed on their mother’s milk, but the mother may not feed one of her puppies, in which case you have to buy dog ​​milk.

Four weeks, introduction to solid food

At the age of four weeks, the mother starts weaning her puppies, and you have to gradually introduce them to solid food, of course, solid food that has been moistened and becomes pasty.

Six weeks, increasing the number of servings

Puppies’ appetite increases, but instead of increasing the number of meals, you should increase the amount of food in each meal. Usually, 1.5 to 2 cups in 4 meals should be enough.

8 to 10 weeks, increasing the amount of food

The amount of food should be increased because the growth rate is faster, usually 2 to 3 cups in 4 meals.

12 weeks, reset food and meals

You can feed the puppies 4 cups a day in three meals, but if you see that they are hungry, go back to the same 4 meals a day.

Malinois puppy food

What is the reason for my dog ​​not eating?

He may have a tooth problem that causes pain when eating. See if the gums are bleeding or swollen and take it to the vet. Also, he may have stomach upset, which causes a loss of appetite.
This problem may be temporary and resolve itself, but if it continues, you should seek help from a veterinarian.


Malinois dog food should have 23-25 % protein and 8-10% fat, and the usual choice for him is commercial food for large breeds. The best option is a balanced diet under the supervision of a veterinarian. In both cases, make sure that he receives the necessary nutrients and if necessary, you can give him supplements with the advice of the veterinarian.