Infectious diseases of dogs; Symptoms and treatment of various dog infections

Taking care of a dog is a big and important responsibility, and in order to be able to take care of it well, we must have enough information about proper nutrition, care tips, and the types of dog diseases. Infectious dog diseases are a group of types of dog diseases that cause infection in different organs of the dog.

Don’t worry, we know this way and in this Pet Press article, we talk about the types of infectious diseases in dogs and their symptoms, as well as ways to treat and prevent various infections in dogs. Fortunately, many of these diseases can be prevented by vaccination and proper maintenance, and we can protect our beloved dog against these diseases. Stay with us in the future.

What are the main symptoms of infection in the dog’s body?

Infection may occur in the dog’s body for various reasons, and each infectious disease may have its own symptoms. In fact, it is with the help of these symptoms that the veterinarian can identify the exact cause of the problem. However, there are some symptoms that are seen in all types of infections; Like:

  • Fever (in some infections, fever is the only symptom)
  • Fever, chills, and sweating
  • Decreased appetite or loss of appetite
  • Weakness and lethargy
  • Cough
  • Dog diarrhea and vomiting
  • Eye and nasal discharge

If your dog has the above symptoms and you notice a change in his behavior, be sure to contact the veterinarian to make your mind at ease.

Of course, sometimes visiting a veterinarian in person is not possible; For example, our dog may get sick in the middle of the night or on holidays, or we may be in a situation where we cannot go to the vet. What can we do in such situations?

Petpress online veterinarian is always and everywhere by your side. Just enter the platform and ask your question to the veterinarian online and explain your dog’s symptoms and problems. The veterinarian will give you the full answer and necessary explanations, and you can continue chatting with him until you get answers to all your questions.


Shitzu dog infection

Canine distemper infectious disease

Distemper virus is an infectious and highly contagious disease in dogs, and in terms of its structure and nature, it is somewhat similar to the measles virus in humans. Canine distemper can be very dangerous and fatal if not treated on time. This virus is transmitted to other dogs through body secretions such as coughing. Dogs that are not vaccinated are highly susceptible to this infectious canine disease.

The symptoms of distemper disease include watery eyes and nasal secretions, loss of appetite, and cough, which can sometimes turn into pneumonia or pneumonia, which is considered a type of respiratory disease in dogs.

Because distemper is a viral disease, there is no specific treatment, and only supportive treatments can help reduce the symptoms and improve the dog. Vaccination is the best way to prevent this infectious and dangerous disease.

Giardia parasite

Giardia are single-celled organisms that can cause intestinal infections in dogs. Dogs who live in communal environments such as shelters and boarding houses are more susceptible to this infectious disease.

Giardia parasite exists in two forms: trophozoite and cyst.

The trophozoite is a type of parasite that lives inside the body of the host (dog), and swims around to finally attach itself to the intestine. Giardia cyst is a contagious type of disease that lives in our environment.

Giardia symptoms include persistent or intermittent diarrhea and occasional vomiting; Of course, in many cases, there may be no symptoms. The veterinarian usually prescribes a variety of anthelmintic drugs to treat this parasitic infectious disease.

Kennel Cough disease

Canine infectious tracheobronchitis, known as Kennel cough, is another type of canine infectious disease. Several viral and bacterial organisms can cause Kennel Cuff disease and it is mostly seen in dogs that live in shelters and boarding houses.

A dog infected with this disease transmits the virus or bacteria to other dogs through the secretions of the mouth and nose. The symptoms of Kennel-Cuff disease include severe and sudden cough; In many cases, these coughs remain for a short time and there is no need for treatment. But sometimes these coughs can turn into deadly and dangerous pneumonia or pneumonia. In these cases, symptoms such as loss of appetite, fever, and lethargy are also seen.

Determining whether a dog’s cough or kennel cough needs treatment or not must be done by a veterinarian. Therefore, if your dog coughs, be sure to consult a veterinarian to treat it as soon as possible.

In most cases, nutritious and high-quality nutrition and hygiene of the dog help to recover faster; But in more severe cases, it is necessary for the veterinarian to prescribe antibiotics and other drugs. 

Ways of transmission of infectious diseases in dogs
Contaminated feces is one of the ways of transmission of infection in dogs

Canine parvovirus infectious disease Parvovirus

Infectious canine parvovirus disease, which is called parvo or Parva in short, is a contagious and viral disease that mainly affects puppies and young dogs. Parva virus is one of the important causes of digestive diseases in dogs.

Parvovirus is a dangerous disease and if it is not treated in time, it will cause the death of the dog. This virus is still present in the dog’s body from the time the dog is infected when the symptoms of the disease appear, and up to two weeks after the dog recovers, and it can be transmitted to other dogs through infected feces. Puppies and young dogs who are not vaccinated are more susceptible to this infectious disease.

The symptoms of the disease include weakness and lethargy, loss of appetite, dehydration, and fever, and in more severe cases, vomiting and bloody diarrhea may also be seen. In cases where the severity of the disease is very high, symptoms such as shock, sepsis (blood infection), and even death may occur. 

Therefore, the best way to prevent this disease is to vaccinate the dog on time and avoid contact with non-vaccinated dogs.

Fungal infection of dog dermatophyses or Ringworm

Ringworm is one of the types of infectious disease of dogs that is caused by a type of fungus called dermatophyte and affects most of the dog’s skin, hair, and nails. This fungal infection can be transmitted to the dog through direct contact with an infected animal or contact with an infected environment. Skin lesions usually appear one to three weeks after infection.

This fungal skin infection causes hair breakage, scaly skin spots and baldness in dogs, and in some cases, acne-like bumps may appear on the dog’s skin. The face, tips of the ears, tail and feet are among the most common places affected by this infectious disease.

This canine skin disease is usually treated on its own, but some dogs may also need treatment for a fungal infection. Also, this type of disease is considered a common disease between dogs and humans, and there is a possibility that it can be transmitted to humans. For this reason, it is necessary to treat the dog as soon as possible to prevent the transmission of the disease. Washing with special shampoo and antiseptic and antifungal drugs helps speed up the recovery of the dog and prevent its spread in the environment.

Infectious diseases of dogs


Rabies is one of the infectious diseases of dogs that can be transmitted to humans.

This disease is mainly transmitted to dogs by being bitten by an infected animal. But it may take several months from the time the infection enters the dog’s body until the symptoms appear. But in cases where the head and mouth are bitten, the infection reaches the brain much earlier and the incubation period of the disease is shorter. 

There is no cure for this disease and when the clinical symptoms of the disease such as abnormal aggression begin, the death of the dog is certain.

Vaccination is the best way to prevent this dangerous disease and is one of the necessary vaccines for dogs. 

Canine parainfluenza virus (CPIV)

Infectious disease of the respiratory system of dogs is one of the viral and highly contagious diseases and one of the pathogenic factors of infectious bronchitis or dog cough.

This infectious disease of dogs is transmitted to other dogs through breathing and air and contact with an infected dog and is especially seen in communal living environments such as shelters and boarding houses.

Dry or wet cough, fever, nasal secretions, weakness and lethargy, and loss of appetite are among the signs and symptoms of this viral infectious disease. The symptoms of parainfluenza may be similar to influenza in many cases; But the cause of these two diseases are two separate viruses, and different treatments and vaccines are needed for treatment and prevention.

Bacterial ear infection or dog bacterial ear infection

In cases where there is an underlying inflammation in the dog’s ear, the dog may also get a bacterial ear infection. This type of dog infection occurs mostly with conditions such as allergies, excessive moisture in the ear canal, and simultaneous infection with a type of yeast called Malassezia.

Normally, a healthy dog ​​can protect itself against these infectious bacteria; But dogs that have a weaker immune system for various reasons are more susceptible to this infectious ear disease.

Itching, redness, and inflammation inside the ear, bad smell, and accumulation of wax in the ear are among the symptoms of ear infection in dogs. The treatment of a dog ear infection is determined by the veterinarian according to the severity and condition of the disease. But in simpler cases where the earlobe is not infected, this disease is usually treated by prescribing drugs such as gentamicin, tobramycin or amikacin.

Treatment of dog ear infection
Ear infection is one of the common diseases in dogs.

Salmonella canine infectious disease

Another infectious disease of dogs is salmonella, which is caused by salmonella bacteria. This disease often causes symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea; But it can lead to more severe and dangerous symptoms.

Salmonella bacteria can be present in raw or undercooked meat, raw eggs, spoiled and spoiled food and can be transmitted to other dogs through the saliva and feces of an infected animal. Although this disease is not as common as other infectious diseases of dogs; But because it can be transmitted to other animals such as cats and even humans, it is dangerous and serious.

Some dogs may not have symptoms and only carry this disease. But in general, a dog infected with this bacterial infectious disease shows these symptoms within 72 hours: diarrhea, vomiting, fever, loss of appetite, dehydration, increased heart rate, weakness and lethargy, and abortion in pregnant dogs.

Most cases of this disease are very mild and the dog’s own immune system fights the infection well. But in some more severe cases, drug treatment is necessary to prevent the occurrence of shock and even the death of the dog.

Dog stomach infection or Helicobacter helicobacter

Stomach infection in dogs is caused by a type of spiral bacteria called Helicobacter, which has different forms. There are approximately 38 different species of Helicobacter that cause disease in different animals.

Helicobacter pylori exist in our human body and causes stomach ulcers and gastritis in us. But in dogs, other forms of bacteria, such as Helicobacter fels and Helicobacter hilmani, usually cause gastrointestinal problems and infections.

The exact cause of the infection and transmission of this infectious disease in dogs is still unknown; But scientists found a connection between the living environment and drinking water of dogs. The gathering of dogs in shelters, drinking contaminated water, improper sanitary conditions, and transmission through dog saliva and feces are among the environmental factors of the transmission of this disease.

A dog infected with this bacteria shows symptoms such as vomiting, dehydration, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, weakness, and lethargy. The veterinarian diagnoses this disease by careful examination and performing some tests such as endoscopy and treats the dog with drugs such as omeprazole, ampicillin, tetracycline, metronidazole, and bismuth. Of course, in some cases, combined drugs will be more effective and better.

Infectious eye disease of German Shepherd dogs

What are the causes of dog eye infections?

So far, we have introduced all kinds of infectious diseases in dogs. But one type of infection that is seen a lot in dogs and especially puppies is eye infection and inflammation. Of course, eye infection is not a kind of disease and it is usually caused by other diseases.

Just like the infection and inflammation of our eyes, this type of infection in dogs can have several reasons:

  • Viruses such as distemper, herpes virus, hepatitis, and canine influenza
  • Infectious bacteria such as brucellosis, leptospirosis and tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease and Ehrlichiosis
  • Types of fungi and fungal infections in dogs
  • Irritating substances such as smoke or shampoo
  • Foreign objects such as dirt, grass seed or the dog’s own hair
  • Impact and accident
  • Types of dog parasites

What to do for a dog’s eye infection?

The treatment of dog eye infection is determined according to the type and cause of infection and inflammation and includes local or systemic drug treatments and various ointments and eye drops. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid home remedies in these cases and take the dog to the vet to determine the symptoms of eye infection in dogs through examination and tests.


Infectious diseases and types of infections in dogs are among the most common diseases of dogs and can have viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic causes. The symptoms of many diseases are similar to all; That’s why it is important to consult a veterinarian after observing the symptoms of the disease in the dog to determine the exact cause of the disease and problem.

Vaccination can prevent some of these infectious dog diseases such as distemper and parvovirus. Likewise, health care, healthy and high-quality nutrition, and regular visits to the veterinarian can largely prevent the occurrence and development of these infections.

What do you think? Has your dog ever had any kind of infection? What were the symptoms of his illness and what treatment did the vet prescribe? Please leave us a comment and share your opinion, experience, and questions with us.